

It’s as easy as sending a link.

Created on 3rd September 2023



It’s as easy as sending a link.

The problem Paylink solves

Web3 payments are too hard and are often needed in different social settings. Logging into metamasks, selecting a network, and making sure you have someone's address properly entered leaves too much room for error and is not ready for onboarding the masses.

Challenges we ran into

We had issue deploying Taiko using truffle but the mentor, Ken, helped us find the right packages. We also had issue deploying Biconomy SDK because the

Tracks Applied (10)

QF Track

Paylink plays a vital role in making Ethereum more user-friendly, accessible, and widely adopted. By doing so, we contri...Read More

Open Track

Paylink contributes to the overall success of the EVM ecosystem. Helping onboard new users by making a seamless way for ...Read More

Sponsor Prizes

We utilized several sponsor technologies including, Polygon, Taiko, Axelar, Linea, Metamask and 4337 features in Paylink...Read More

Demo Day

We are considering utilizing this feature in a social app idea we have outside of just payments. This would help acceler...Read More

Sponsor Track: MetaMask

We used the Metamask SDK to allow senders to log in with Metamask so they can easily send balances directly from their w...Read More

Sponsor Track: Linea

We deployed our smart contracts on Linea, allowing users to send and receive tokens on Linea.

Sponsor Track: Axelar

We used Axelar to allow users to easily select which network they prefer to send crypto to a friend via Paylink as inter...Read More

Sponsor Track: Taiko

We allow our users to send money native transactions on Taiko when sending payment through Paylink.

Sponsor Track: Polygon

Senders can select Polygon as a network of choice when sending tokens to a friend.

Sponsor Track: 4337 Mafia

We used AA or 4337 for the receiver of tokens. Effectively, they do not need to own a wallet to login to the payment lin...Read More


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