Young passionate Web developer. Web3 specialist. Former cosmological researcher. Excited by the Web3 industry in all its diversity. Now interested in DeFi and NFTs.
Stack: Python, Solidity, FunC, JS, Typescript, Node.js, Nest.js, FastAPI, MySQL, C++.
Currently, I am in the exploration phase, constantly seeking a particular niche to apply all my energy, commitment, and drive.
Actively looking for interesting projects in Web and Web3 development in South Korea (based here) and other countries.
Meet & Chat with POM App
Remember who you met at events. Stay connected more easily.Solidity, Node.js, Next.js, Express, Ethers, TruffleArtWalk
Walk crafted NFTs.
Transform your Walk into NFT Masterpieces.Next.js, Mapbox, Cadence, Flow CLI, OnFlow/Fcl, Haversine, similarity API, Planetscale database, DeepAI, Dall-E image generation APIPaylink
It’s as easy as sending a link.Solidity, MetaMask, Next.js, TypeScript, Polygon SDK, Polygon ZKEVM, TAIKO, Linea, 4337THE QUEST
"Quest: Revolutionizing Freelance Work. Decentralized, Transparent, and Empowering. Join the Future of Gig Economy Today!"Solidity, OpenZeppelin, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Hardhat, daisyUI, foundry, Scaffold ETH 2Skills