Transforming play, Unleashing ownership

The problem OWL solves

OWL is a revolutionary gaming platform designed to tackle major issues in the gaming industry that platforms like Steam, and Epic Games, such as piracy, security concerns, centralization, non-fractional ownership, and non-transferable license. We are the first ones to secure and tokenize the gaming world with diamante infrastructure. Our mission is simple - to bring more gamers on-chain and revolutionize the gaming industry.

What is Steam?
Steam is a popular digital gaming platform where people can buy, download, and play video games. It acts like a digital store for games, much like how iTunes or Spotify works for music

Problem Statement:
-> Piracy and Security: Unauthorised copying and distribution of games can lead to significant revenue loss for developers and compromise game integrity.
-> Non-Transferable Licence: Most platforms do not allow players to resell or transfer their game licenses. Once a game is purchased, the user is stuck with it.
-> Centralization: Games are often controlled by a single entity, limiting user control and flexibility.
-> Non-Fractional Ownership (Single Entity Ownership): Multiple parties cannot purchase high-priced games.

-> License as NFT:-
For every game purchased on Owl, users receive a unique Non-Fungible Token (NFT) associated with that specific game. This NFT acts as the license key used to verify the game's legitimacy. This license key activates the purchased game, ensuring a seamless and controlled access process.
-> Blockchain Integration :-
Owl utilizes the diamante blockchain to push proof of transactions onto the chain. This enhances transparency and security. It guarantees that users never lose ownership of their purchased games.
-> Resell Option with Reusable Licences:-
A unique feature of Owl is the ability to resell games that users have already bought.
The platform supports reusable licenses, allowing users to resell their games to others.

Challenges we ran into

As newcomers to the Diamante ecosystem, we initially found it challenging to grasp the unique concepts it introduced. Despite being accustomed to EVM-based chains, we were fascinated by the innovative features Diamante offered.

With the help of developer support and comprehensive documentation, we were able to navigate and understand the Diamante platform. One specific challenge we faced was understanding and implementing trust lines. However, through practice and hands-on implementation, we successfully mastered their usage.

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Our Mission Our mission is simple: to bring more gamers on-chain and revolutionize the gaming industry. To achieve this,...Read More

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

How OWL Fits into the NFT Track License as NFT: Unique NFT for Each Game: For every game purchased on OWL, users receiv...Read More
