
Prabhpreet Singh

A Software Engineer specializing in Product Development with a proven track record in software architecture, implementation, and optimization.

My journey isn't just about code; it's an art of sculpting solutions that dance between technical brilliance and seamless integration with overarching business objectives. I thrive on creating innovative, efficient, and scalable systems, always keeping the balance between technical finesse and strategic vision.

Coding the future, one line at a time, to craft not just software, but transformative user-centric experiences.



Animal Care DAO- where the welfare of fauna is in the palms of your hands...IPFS, JavaScript, Rust, TypeScript, pinata, React.js, Solana, Anchor, phantom, metaplex


The Ultimate Tool for Future FreelancersEthereum, Nodejs, nextjs, 1inch, Push Protocol


Seamlessly Bringing Companies On-Chain for Business IntelligenceSolidity, Node.js, JavaScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Fleek, Wagmi, BASE, COINBASE SMART WALLET, Edge Functions


Transforming play, Unleashing ownershipNode.js, PostgreSQL, Golang, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Next-UI, diamante, Diamante-wallet, Diamante-js-sdk, Shad-cn




  • Boston Consulting Group - Full Stack Developer Intern
    August 2022 - September 2022

    ◦ Place: Developed and designed a fully responsive Rajasthan Government Initiative(Shiksha mein badhte khatam)
    website for 3L+ teachers.
    ◦ Backend: Created an automated mechanism to ensure easy FAQ website updates post deployment
    ◦ Frontend: Designed and developed in ReactJS.

  • Metaverse Ventures Private Limited - Full Stack Intern
    April 2023 - July 2023

    Place: Developed and designed multiple fully responsive Dapps
    ◦ Frontend: Designed and developed multiple pages in Nextjs, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS. Configured Redux Toolkit
    and RTK Queries for state Management and caching

  • Tactics - Backend Developer
    March 2023 - August 2023

    ◦ Place: Worked on building different microservices of a fintech product.
    ◦ Backend: Creating an automated mechanism in Node.js and Typescript. Maintained different databases like Redis,
    Postgres and Mongodb.

  • Truffles - Full Stack Developer
    July 2023 - November 2023

    ◦ Place: Worked on multiple products like Admin, Support and v1
    ◦ Backend: Contributed to many features in nestjs. Used multiple databases like mongodb and redis.
    ◦ Frontend: Designed and developed multiple pages in Nextjs, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS. Made whole payment
    processing system for cryptocurrencies.

  • Tezos - Software Engineer
    June 2024 - Present

    playing around etherlink