Created on 25th June 2023
This product is especially for journalists, like a group of journalism students, who are investigating some news and finding out all the connected stuff, and they want to show all these connections to the whole world so that people can find and investigate further on it. example: there is a murder case in a city XYZ, some person will create a claim with a subject: which will be the heading of a topic, object: heading of the topic to which it is connected, relation: it'll define the relation of his claim to main claim, proof: he'll add link of the article or some data that can be used as proof for a claim.
People can visualise graphs of all the connected claims for a particular topic to 2 or 3 depth, they can make other connected claims by clicking any existing claim on graphs. Users have to be authenticated to create claims.
At first it seems hard to understand, but when i tried to make a project using it, things starts getting clear, we just have to Run ceramic node --> Make a graphQL schema --> Create composite using cli command --> Deploy composite to ceramic Node --> Edit Ceramic daemon config file and add model id in indexing field there --> compile composite to use it in client side --> make a common apollo client util --> pass it apollo provider in parent component --> now we can query or mutate data in our application
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