
Shivam Agarwal

Hello My name is Shivam Agarwal. I am a final year B-Tech student studying in IEM Kolkata. I have knowledge in Frontend Development, C++.I love to do graphic designing and Video editing. I participated in my college innovation lab to make projects on designing and editing. I also made portfolio website using HTML,CSS and JS.


Ether Crypto Hunt Game

Gaming in Blockchain industry which will reward the gamers with ethersSolidity, HTML, React, CSS, Redux, ethers.js, Tailwind CSS, Truffle Suite

Ether Hunt

Let find a little bit of somethingReact, Tailwind CSS, Truffle Suite

Crypto Hunt

Treasure Hunt inspired crypto gameSolidity, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, web3.js, Truffle

Ether Tresure hunt game

Gaming in Blockchain industry which will reward the gamers with ethersSolidity, HTML, CSS, Redux, ethers.js, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Truffle Suite

NFT Ticket Marketplace

The NFT Ticketing Marketplace upload the ticket on the IPFS. Hash is calculated by IPFS and tickets get stored on the database. NFT tickets are created and uploaded to the requested NFT marketplace.IPFS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Next.js, Web3, Blockchain, Chakra-UI, Filecoin, Wagmi


Decentralized music-sharing platformHTML, Firebase, JavaScript, AngularJS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Polygon, Arweave, bundlr, material


Dash comes to IndiaFirebase, Dart, Flutter, Material-UI


Building a next-gen DEX powered by a superior AMM focussed on Liquidity Providers. By empowering liquidity providers we aim to make DEX liquidity CEXy!React, AWS, Rust, Hardhat, Truffle, Solana, Vue


Building a next-gen DEX powered by a superior AMM focussed on Liquidity Providers. By empowering liquidity providers we aim to make DEX liquidity CEXy!React, AWS, Rust, Solana, Vue

Reserche DAO

Reserchia DAO is the first DAO Community for Scientists & Researchers. Researchers from around the world can become DAO members and share their research, studies and a lot more!IPFS, HTML, React, CSS, Chainlink, Hardhat, Polygon, next, Ether, Wagmi.js

Dorsia Club

NFT Business Cards: dynamic NFTs you can customize with your name, position, and social links. Generated and pinned to ipfs on-demand by an off-chain oracle.Solidity, IPFS, React, JavaScript, Python, AWS, Web3Storage, flow

Bloom Red

Gamifying DeFi Payments With Crypto Rewards. We gamify and make sending gifts to their friends and family easier. Multichain & live on Polygon Mumbai, Celo, Cronos, Gnosis, Neon, and EthereumSolidity, React, Ethereum, Ganache, Gnosis Chain, Celo, Polygon, Cronos, neon, tailwind-vue


A metaverse based solution for Indian MuseumsSolidity, MetaMask, Unity, Ethereum, SocketJs, remix, Mantle

Open Trust

A visualisation tool for better journalismNext.js, GraphQL, Material-UI, Ceramic Network, compose-db, apollo-client


Seize control, contracts unfold, funds tracked, corruption controlledRust, TypeScript, React.js, TailWindCSS, Concordium, near-protocol, radix-ui


Fully decentralized Link Page Generator, allowing creators, businesses, and professionals truly own their links with a single payment rather than to pay monthly subscription feesTypeScript, Svelte, Arweave, ardrive, arweavekit, arweave-js


Digital Marketing
Web Designing