Created on 28th February 2021
The goal is to make it easier so that anyone can reward a certain person for their support or actions on social platforms, this could be like rewarding content creator, influencers, etc.
The data is stored on the blockchain and the profiles are verified by performing an action on the social media platform, such as tweeting the address to be linked.
There is an api created with NextJS api routes for say verifying if user has tweeted an address from the mentioned handle and then this is checked against the address of the portis wallet.
Implementing Portis makes it easy for not so tech savvy folks to easliy add their address and social handles to the platform.
The developers or people who want to lookup address-social handles can directly interact with the contract or can search in the dashboard.
The first challenge was to get portis working with nextjs, I figured it out by reading docs and trying things. Later I looked into implementing Chainlink with this project but then left it out due to certain issues. Deploying on Matic was easy, reading their docs on how to do it with truffle helped me to do it with hardhat for this project.