Akshay Ashok
Vadodara, India
Hii I am Akshay Ashok a super passionate student developer who want to grow in both personal and professional aspects.
I have always been passionate about technologies and especially about software development in particular. I get chill down the spine at the idea that a few lines of code that I write can influence the life of another person or may even change it completely.
I have learned various topics such like git, GitHub, python, ML, game development in python, building websites with html/css, android app development, IOT, blockchain and smart contracts in solidity, ethereum platform and lastly the MERN stack currently.
All this was only possible because I have been an active Hackathon participant,all thanks to Devfolio, due to this I was exposed to all the current technologies used in the real world and the developer communities out there.
ETH India was my first ever hackathon and would love to attend it again. I have been waiting for this opportunity since the day I returned from ETH INDIA.
Here is a small list of projects I made till now,
-> To ease up manual attendance system, a smart and innovative way to take student attendance efficiently . This is a facial recognition based attendance system having a client web app and admin web app.
Touch To Go
->IOT FIre Extinguisher || realtime data || Android App
Doc Auth
->Smart Contract for Doctor Certification Verification made in eth india
IOT Based fire extinguisher
-> made wtih raspberry pi and android