Onchain Friends

Onchain Friends

Finding onchain friends is hard, we provide web3 social dapps an easy way to import a newly onboarded user's onchain friends from their previous activity.

The problem Onchain Friends solves

In the realm of social media, building a personalized knowledge repository involves navigating through numerous steps.
Take, for instance, Twitter – constructing a feed that genuinely captivates a user's interest demands time.
It's a process that requires cultivating a network, refining preferences, and sifting through content.
Establishing an optimized and engaging feed takes time and effort, often a considerable duration, to precisely cater to a user's interests and preferences.

Our solution introduces an innovative SDK tailored explicitly for developers seeking to enhance social media applications by offering seamless user suggestion and invitation functionalities. This aims to revolutionize user engagement within social platforms by enabling developers to integrate powerful features that suggest relevant and engaging users to follow while facilitating effortless user invitations to expand social circles.

How Our SDK Empowers Developers:

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: By leveraging intelligent user suggestions, developers can significantly boost user engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction within their applications.
  2. Rapid Community Expansion: The customizable invitation system enables swift and organic community growth, as users effortlessly invite friends, acquaintances, or contacts to join the platform.
  3. Innovation and Differentiation: Integration of our SDK allows developers to stand out in the competitive social media landscape by offering unique and tailored user experiences, fostering a more connected and vibrant user base.

Challenges we ran into

SDK Publishing Challenges: Ensuring a smooth and user-friendly SDK publication process presented hurdles, including compatibility issues with different development environments, version control, and documentation clarity. Overcoming these challenges required extensive testing, refining, and providing comprehensive documentation to guide developers through integration.

Defining Judges' Requirements: One of the significant challenges was understanding and meeting the exact requirements expected by the judging panel. Deciphering the criteria, ensuring alignment with the judging rubric, and tailoring the SDK's features and documentation to meet these criteria demanded continuous communication and iteration.

Addressing Technical Complexities: Developing an SDK capable of seamlessly suggesting users and facilitating invitations across various social media platforms involved intricate technicalities. Overcoming compatibility issues, ensuring smooth functionality across diverse networks, and managing API integrations were challenges that required meticulous attention to detail.

User Experience and Interface Refinement: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface within the SDK posed challenges related to optimizing the user experience. Balancing functionality with simplicity and ensuring a seamless integration process for developers necessitated iterative refinements and user testing.

Tracks Applied (2)

Airstack Track

We utilize Airstack's on-chain data graphs to access comprehensive user activity seamlessly. Using airstack's graph for ...Read More


XMTP Track

Our project utilizes XMTP to facilitate direct peer-to-peer communication, enabling users to seamlessly invite friends t...Read More


Technologies used

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
