NFT Ticket Marketplace

The NFT Ticketing Marketplace upload the ticket on the IPFS. Hash is calculated by IPFS and tickets get stored on the database. NFT tickets are created and uploaded to the requested NFT marketplace.

Created on 1st October 2022


NFT Ticket Marketplace

The NFT Ticketing Marketplace upload the ticket on the IPFS. Hash is calculated by IPFS and tickets get stored on the database. NFT tickets are created and uploaded to the requested NFT marketplace.

The problem NFT Ticket Marketplace solves

In most developing countries, there is a large sector of the economy that is called the informal sector or the unorganised sector. NFTs are unique digital tokens stored on the blockchain. Once they are created on the blockchain, they can be sold to customers digitally. Customers then store NFTs in a secure wallet that can be accessed on any device. In the ticketing system, event organizers can mint the required number of NFT tickets on their choice of a blockchain platform. They can code the NFTs to set a sale price or run the sale as an auction where people can start a bid for tickets. Employment in the informal labour market plays an important role in most developing economies. The informal sector consists of the self-employed and informal wage labour including Artisans, petty traders, labourers, electricians, plumbers, small business people, and non-agricultural casual workers.

Seeing the rise in unemployment across various countries due to increasing population, competition and COVID-19 we came across an idea of creating a DAO for providing a platform for informal workmen to list and bid for their services and also for people looking for helpers, labours and workmen to get their service easily.

Major issue in this sector is that digital currency don’t get the right compensation for their work and also common people looking for better proper service. People don’t get to know about the nearest workmen available near them. Our DAO sets out to solve this issue using automation and securing money transfer through blockchain. To get to know about the nearest labourers we have integrated Google Maps in our DAO.
The NFT Ticketing Marketplace uploads the ticket on the IPFS. Hash is calculated by IPFS and tickets get stored in the database. NFT tickets are created and uploaded to the requested NFT marketplace.

Ticket owners can also resell NFT tickets on the NFT marketplace. The ticket is stored in a smart contract. Once a buyer buys the ticket, the smart contract tri

Challenges I ran into

Smart contracts to build the backend

Using Figma for designing the designs of the website

Using Moralis was a bit challenging for us, as it has some less documentation and materials regarding the feature we were working on and interacting with the smart contracts through react moralis and uploading files through Moralis to IPFS was also a bit challenging for us.


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