

Your E-Commerce Catalogue Listing

The problem Neutrino solves

When any seller app needs to list any product on E-Commerce, it is done through sharing the catalogue. The
catalogue is further evaluated by the company manually. The major problems with it are as follows:

  1. Time(24-48 hrs in manual process)
  2. Inconsistent data entered by the user
  3. Data may not be correct about the product
  4. The product catalogue may not meet the regulations.

Challenges we ran into

It was a very learning and challenging journey for us in last 24 hours, we had to face multiple challenges in the journey which we overcame by continuous input. Some of the challenges we faced are as follow:

  1. Intially we were building a mobile app on flutter but time constraint forced us to make a pivot and move to the web.
  2. We found integrating the ML model with backend very challenging but we overcame it by shifting to flask.
  3. We were not able to deploy the Flask APIs as there were no specific content avialable for that.
    Many more......
