
Yash Mittal

Hi there! 👋 I'm Yash Mittal, an engineering student with a passion for winning at your hackathons. I love building innovative solutions and exploring new technologies. With a focus on AI, I'm dedicated to creating impactful projects that solve real-world problems.



Your E-Commerce Catalogue ListingFlask, TensorFlow, Python, Tailwind CSS, BeautifulSoup, React.js

Negotiating Companion, deals find common ground

We are introducing our AI SalesPerson Which can Negotiate & bargain on consumer deals on online marketplace which leads to increased user engagement & Improve the sales greatly.Flask, TensorFlow, Docker, MongoDB, Express, reactjs, Azure, tailwind, langchain, gemini

Evidence Vault

Our system leverages Web3 IPFS tech to securely store crime evidence, ensuring immutability. Integrating AI and machine learning, it maintains evidence integrity, enhancing trust and transparency.Solidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, Flask, TensorFlow, LibROSA, Ganache, Material-UI, Truffle Suite


Data Science
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Data Analytics
Business Development


  • Draft Ai - ML Intern
    June 2024 - Present

    Building and Finetuning LLMs

  • DRDO - Intern
    August 2023 - September 2023

    Worked on Trustworthiness of AI Models for their secure deployment