
Blockchain based healthcare system

The problem NerdyBits solves

It is primarily for patients but we have portals even for hospitals, doctors.
The problem it solves:

  • Data privacy (Medical history of patients)
  • Online Appoinments
  • Emergency situations (SOS buttons, Emergency access to medical history of patient)

For doctors:

  • Manage appointments
  • View Patients history

For Hospitals:

  • Approve/Reject Appointments and allot doctors
  • Management dashboard

Challenges we ran into

  1. Running blockchain in android in react-native
    We thought of an approach using private key from QR Scanner, similar concept to whatsapp scanner.

  2. Connecting to web3.js
    Went deep into documentation to solve the issue

  3. Using the Matic Network
    After exploring docs and going for some trial and error cycles, we got it right.
