
Naveen Sundar

I am a fullstack web developer. I work on django, MERN stack, flutter and blockchain.

The fact that normal people will be benifited from my code motivates me to keep going.

The most complex project i have worked is in Matelabs(the startup where i have interned for summer). They provide a platform for training ml models with writting any code. There my task ranged from writting highly scalable apis and worker functions to test case,bug fixing to processing 10s of GBs of data in Data Science.

It gave opportunities to learn things like locating the needed code in huge codebase, debugging, testing, data science.


QR-based PWA Incubation System

a giant content management system based on QR scanning and QR transactionsReact, Django, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), JWT


Blockchain based healthcare systemSolidity, React, Matic, React Native, Ethereum

Kisan Mitra

A platform to connect buyers and farmers directly with each other, with functionalities such as finding warehouses, Delivery options etc. The entire product is seamlessly integrated with SMS service.JavaScript, Java, Android Studio, XML, HTML5, Python


AWS services


  • Zenithec - Full Stack Web Developer
    December 2018 - Present

    Worked as a full stack engineer creating website tailored to cliented needs. Like custom portfolio sites, bulk email facility, custom admin panel etc

  • Matelabs AI - Full Stack Web Developer
    May 2019 - July 2019

    In their GUI based ML platform - Built REST APIs through flask(along with SQLAlchemy, redis,rabbitmq, celery), added new features in frontend through react.js, written unit/integration tests, worked on data analysis using pandas, bug detection and fixing on the fullstack .