Med IQ

Med IQ

Med IQ, with AI, extracts medical info via OCR and NER from prescriptions. Provides drug details, usage, dosage, and report summaries, advising the user to consult doctor for accurate diagnosis.

The problem Med IQ solves

Med IQ revolutionizes healthcare accessibility by seamlessly integrating AI technologies to streamline both prescription management and medical report analysis. Leveraging advanced OCR and NER capabilities, it simplifies the extraction of medication details from prescriptions, offering users comprehensive drug information instantly. Moreover, Med IQ's sophisticated scanning and summarization tools provide users with a deeper understanding of their medical reports, empowering them to navigate their health journey with clarity and confidence. Also Med IQ integrates Report scanning process which extract the patient details from the report and summarize it to user-friendly manner and also gives some common symptoms and treatments for it using RAG,OCR and SentenceTransformers.By prioritizing safety, Med IQ underscores the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for precise diagnosis and treatment, ensuring users' well-being. With its user-friendly interface and commitment to continuous enhancement, Med IQ caters to diverse user needs, saving time and resources while fostering informed decision-making and active engagement in healthcare management.

Challenges we ran into

Building Med IQ was a journey marked by significant challenges, foremost among them being data collection and model selection. The initial hurdle of sourcing diverse and comprehensive medical data for training our AI models proved daunting. However, we devised innovative solutions, including web scraping techniques to gather data from various sources such as medical websites, research papers, articles, and publicly available reports. Additionally, data augmentation played a pivotal role in enriching our dataset, utilizing methods like data synthesis and leveraging publicly available medical datasets with proper permissions. These approaches yielded a robust dataset, enhancing the performance and generalization ability of our AI models. Furthermore, the task of selecting the most suitable model from a myriad of options demanded thorough research, evaluation, prototyping, and testing. We delved into literature, scrutinized benchmarking studies, and experimented with different models on sample datasets to gauge their performance in processing medical documents, extracting relevant information, and providing accurate insights. After meticulous scrutiny, we identified a high-performance AI model that met our criteria for accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. Through these experiences, we honed our problem-solving skills and resourcefulness, ultimately contributing to the development of Med IQ as a robust and effective AI-powered healthcare solution. Looking ahead, we remain steadfast in our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring that Med IQ continues to deliver tangible value and impact in the realm of healthcare.

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AI and Machine Learning

Med IQ harnesses AI and machine learning to streamline healthcare processes by automating the extraction and analysis of...Read More
