
Karthikeyan M

Good Boy


Med IQ

Med IQ, with AI, extracts medical info via OCR and NER from prescriptions. Provides drug details, usage, dosage, and report summaries, advising the user to consult doctor for accurate diagnosis.TensorFlow, Pillow, PyPDF2, TRANSFORMERS, Streamlit, keras-OCR, pinecone-client, googlttrans, google.generativeai, senetence-transformers

Edu Quest AI

An AI-powered learning app with personalized quizzes, flashcards, chatbots, both online and offline. It tracks progress, supports document interaction, minimizes internet dependency built with FlutterTensorFlow, Dart, Python, Flutter, Hive, LLM, Gemini Pro, gemma, Gemini flash, QR Code Scanning

