The problem Matrix solves
We gamified learning process 😄
Introducing Matrix
The Matrix is a blockchain-based multiplayer platform game that helps customer learn new language by augmenting their daily life senarios in a fun missions kind of game .
The game allows players from multiple blockchain networks to interact within a shared global map. Each chain has its own local contract, which stores player-specific data, while the global contract maintains the shared game map and ensures consistent synchronization of player data across chains.
Key Features
- Cross-Chain Integration: Players can join the game from any supported blockchain. [optimum , arbitrum , base]
- Global Map Management: A unified map is stored on the global contract, accessible to all players regardless of their chain of origin. we have created the illusion of real time map movement by fetching the locations once in a while , and in the middle tak
- **Interaction based on Player Proximity **: Same like real world scenarios Players can interact with others near their in-game location, even if they are on different chains.
- Efficient Data Handling: Each chain stores minimal player data, while global data is maintained on the main contract.
- Secure Communication: Chat requests and messages between players ensure proximity-based validation and consent.
- ** AI Agent ** : we have created AI Agents for person to AI as well as Ai to Ai interaction agents which enhance the activity
Contracts deployed: MatrixDeployer: 0x86AFF9fDE176247fA09Dc8f1b691DB8C9318282b GlobalMatrixGateway: 0x26EBbDA4c2ee4C7f8FD83D2df1a35247F0Ec18C3
1. Global Contract
The global contract handles shared data and game logic across all chains. It includes:
- A global map with player locations.
- Logic for player interactions such as chatting and proximity detection.
- Functions to manage cross-chain updates and synchronization.
2. Local Chain Contract
Each chain has a local co
Challenges we ran into
had challenges while trying to integrate the relay and the deployer on the offchain vm , got it resolved with the team's help
Additional Features
Tradable Ai Agent , smoother interaction between chains and users