
Amit Chigare

Hello there,
The Technology I use for front-end is React Js
Write clean code, drive technical design, and take responsibility for technical delivery.
Currently my interests include in backend development specially in Django. Well my other skills include NodeJs, Express, MongoDb, Flask, Python programming.
Enhanced efficiency, quality data, scope, operability and flexibility of applications.


Find My School

Give a boost to your the school hunting journey, by finding the perfect school on Find My School.React, Flask, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, React Router, Vite

GreatKart an ecommerce website

Django, Modern features, Clean design, advanced features with notified hacking attempts, Real time payment using Paypal, Emailing, Chatbot for quick and productivityBootstrap, Django, Python, ChatterBot


Craft🎨 collaborate🤝 transact💸Solidity, IPFS, React, Next.js


Flask and Django


  • Congruent Solutions - Software developer intern
    May 2023 - September 2023

    Worked on ReactJS Projects - Upgraded dependencies,
    removed vulnerabilities, advance hooks and routers.
    Data Visualization using Python and used Django for backend
    storing data.(Django, Python, DashPlotly).
    Followed Agile development cycle with Azure DevOps.
    Designed and developed multiple Dashboards from Figma to
    real-time in production level. (Being used by many employees).