Marksheet CELO Blockchain Ledeger

Marksheet CELO Blockchain Ledeger

World's first global Marksheet Vault to store grades of students that can be accessed by any university by just entering studentID.

The problem Marksheet CELO Blockchain Ledeger solves

When you apply for any abroad university, you know how much effort it takes to get all of your marksheets in place. You need to ask the college for transcripts, go to that certification site to download the mark sheet, and whatnot!!!

Marksheet is just a piece of paper, so anyone creative enough can create a good enough replica and forge it. If you know Suits webseries you know this problem ;).

For sure you have misplaced at least one of the mark sheets. And once you do that, you know the FIRs you have to do, visiting university multiple times and paying 1000s of rupees to get the copy of the mark sheet.

Need to create a one-step solution to verify whether a Marksheet/certification is valid or not.

Challenges we ran into

Deploying contract on CELO testnet
Connecting to deployed contract
Interacting with deployed contract
