Ludium Onchain zPass

Ludium Onchain zPass

DID Platform for Educational Institutions Through the Aleo Blockchain Platform

Ludium Onchain zPass

Ludium Onchain zPass

DID Platform for Educational Institutions Through the Aleo Blockchain Platform

The problem Ludium Onchain zPass solves

Challenges Faced with Existing Infrastructures

Students enrolled in various centralized education platforms must fully trust these platforms to issue certificates or proof of completion, such as "I have completed Education A subject" through a specific platform.

To verify these certificates, students must expose their personal information to another third-party organization.

However, this process can lead to indiscriminate management of students' information, and those seeking job opportunities may need to disclose even more personal details.

Above all, students lack sovereignty over their information.

Solutions? → Ludium Onchain zPass!

  • Use Aleo Blockchain: Utilizes the decentralized privacy chain, Aleo, allowing for the exchange of data in a privacy-ensured form (record).

  • Use Leo Program: Issues Verifiable Certificates through smart contracts, avoiding the artificial manipulation of centralized institutions like education platforms.

  • Just Verify: Users can verify their data with third parties without exposing their private information.

Improvement Workflow

  1. Credential Generation (On-chain)
    → Request New VC by Student

  2. Credential Issuance and Save it (On-chain)
    → Sign VC by Ludium

  3. Holder Presentation and Verification (On-chain)
    → Verify by Student


Challenges I ran into

By Network issues, we cannot deploy and test this application on onchain

Tracks Applied (1)

알레오 신규 프로젝트 제출

알레오 온체인 zpass 프로젝트는 현재 zpass docs 상에서는 지원하지 않고 있다. 이번 콜레지움 알레오를 통해서 해당 워크플로우를 토대로 실증적인 프로젝트를 만들어보고 나아가 루디움 같은 교육플랫폼에서 이를...Read More

Technologies used
