I'm backend junior developer working in blockchain industry. and then, trying to make more intersting things for all blockchain ecosystem.
BUIDLersberg Fund is All You Need For LP&DAOs 🧙🪄
🗣🗨️ A chain-agnostic yet decentralized governance infrastructure to manage assets across plethora of contracts dedicated to LP funds & DAOsWebAssembly, Rust, Hardhat, Polygon Mumbai, foundry, Linea Testnet, Taiko Testnet, Ethereum GoerilAI Guard Snap
Secure Crypto Users, Simplified Blockchain Learning for Users.Solidity, MetaMask, JavaScript, ethers.js, TypeScript, AI/ML, SwaggerUI, LLMLudium Onchain zPass
DID Platform for Educational Institutions Through the Aleo Blockchain PlatformReact, JavaScript, Leo