Line/Wall Following Bot

Robo-car which can follow black line and follow


Line/Wall Following Bot

Robo-car which can follow black line and follow

The problem Line/Wall Following Bot solves

The sensors can be calliberated to detect the path to travel on and detect obstacles and also move along walls. A basic project using Arduino which may be implemented in higher order projects.

Challenges I ran into

The biggest problem was the inacuracy of the motors whose power supply changed after every few uses thus troubling us with changing the speed of motors through code. Moreover, each motor was changing differently hence each motor had to be calliberated differently. We had to cover the tyres with balloon sheets to reduce their friction with the ground. Grease also had to be applied to the servo motor. This helped us when the power would suddenly fluctuate while using the car during the competition.
Similar fluctuation was observer in the IR sensors which we had to calliberate again and again.
