Learnt about FrontEnd few months back and recently started learning BackEnd. Learning new stuffs about backend daily. Enjoying it!
Save food and dive deep into the realm of delicacyFirebase, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Android StuCovi-Katana
This Vaccination slot reservation application allows people to login/signup, check availability, book and cancel slots, download certificates.Java, MySQL, JavaFX, GsonBillify
Billing made easyReact, MongoDB Atlas, mongoose, NodejsKNOW IT ALL
A web project to help students gain knowledge and get rid of doubts in a simple and easy manner with the help of knowledgeable people. This would help in connecting Teachers/Tutors and Students.JS, Redux, Express.js, MongoDB, Nodejs, React.js, CSS3, HTML5, Passsport.jsSMART HOME AUTOMATION
The project aims to build a fully functional smart home with a lot of automatic features. The project was demonstrated at Prosang 2.0 (2020) and got 1st placeFirebase, NumPy, OpenCV, Android Studio, Arduino IDE, PyAudio, Arduino, Soil Moisture Sensor, NodeMCU IoT, Face RecognitionBall Following Robo-Car
A simple bot that can track a ball in three dimensions, using a 2D video input and then follow it.NumPy, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Pi Camera, Python, PySerial, DC gear motor, L298N MOTOR DRIVERSkills
Competitive Programming