"Rockets Made Easy" - to make this true we propose a solution that helps any space and rocket science Enthusiastic who wants to learn Rocket Science and research about Rockets under a single website.

The problem LIFTOFF solves


  1. When you start researching & learning about Rocket Science, one of the most common misconceptions is "It is Rocket Science, hence very Tough". we agree on this, Rocket Science is tough but when you see the Basics of Rocket Science, it depends upon the way how it is presented the data.
    Learning Basics of Rocket Science isn't tough if you get some good, well-organized & interactive data.

  2. It is difficult for beginners to understand the importance and uses of Rocket Science is a common issue which demotivates them.


  1. Providing Information regarding different Space Organisations under a single website. Now, this is a feature, we personally wanted when we started researching about different Organisations.

  2. Other than Space Organisations we also provided data for few famous rockets like Falcon 9 & Falcon Heavy (rockets of SpaceX), including information regarding Purpose, Vehicle Specifications (Height, Diameter, Number of Stages, Mass, etc.) under a single website. All Data is well researched and verified by our team.

  3. According to us, Rocket Science is gonna boom in the next few years, from visiting the moon after 50 years in 2024 to watching humans being inter-planetary species all this gonna happen within the next few years, hence, we think that making students aware about Rockets and Rocket Science to School Students and even adults who are curious.
    Hence, we provided a solution for this, by providing some written material in an easy language that would be easily understood by any layman.

Challenges we ran into

As we started from scratch, as soon as the result was announced on the 5th of October, we started our project from the very beginning. From, searching to compiling data, from building a website to merging data with it. All these things were done within this time span and we aimed to make data as clean and easy as possible, which took our majority of time and energy and found out that we should have prepared our data beforehand.
Time was the biggest challenge as this was our first hackathon we lacked experience.

For the Future, we still go on with this project making its UI even better and providing more valuable content.
