
Demystifying ml through learning by interacting and building a course structure carefully designed to develop intuition of the subject.



Demystifying ml through learning by interacting and building a course structure carefully designed to develop intuition of the subject.

The problem Learn.ai solves

People are often scared off by machine learning because the current resources available are either too rigorous or too superficial. There is a need for a product which helps the user understand the complex mathematics of machine learning by removing the layers in a sequential manner which makes it certain that the user is ready and curious enough to dive into the world of ml without fear and much intuition.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Integration of static libraries like TensorFlow.ks and p5.js with Vue,js
  2. Parsing the graph of TensorFlow.js to generate the python code.
  3. Efficiently managing javascript objects to prevent excessive memory leak.
