
Aayush Joglekar

I am a full stack developer who also loves to design. A Javascript Fanboy who has experience in Frontend Development with Vue and Angular. I have hacked up projects using backend with NodeJS and used databases like MySQL and MongoDB. Some of my projects also use cloud services like Digital Ocean, AWS EC2, AWS S3 and AWS Elastic BeanStalk. Also having an interest in System Design, I have used Redis and Docker for a project. To top it off, I have experience of wireframing and prototyping using Figma and Adobe XD as well.


  1. Hack In The North 2019 - Winners (Walmart's Problem Statement) - Developed an e-commerce website for medicines which reads prescriptions, checks for forgery and orders medicines for you.

  2. Prototype 2019 - Best Design Award - I developed the wireframes, UI design and front-end for our app called Batua. Batua is a shared wallet system to be used within a family.

Previous Hackathon Experiences:

. Hack36, MNNIT 2019 - Developed a question paper leakage prevention system using Ethereum blockchain and firebase.

  1. IIITAHacks 2017 - Helped to build the frontend of an app called Lecture Connect.

  2. Hack In The North 2018 - Built a zulip chat bot called Myra using Python.

  3. HackBMU 2018 - Built a home security system using OpenCV and python.

My pipeline includes the following projects which I am working on:

  1. Cynthesize - Connecting developers to mentors, VCs and beyond. (Working as a front-end designer)
  2. A PWA AppStore.
  3. A Productivity App which is based on Jerry Seinfeild's way of not breaking the chain.
    an many more to come.

Any hackathon is like a perfect environment for me to make an MVP quickly (the environment helps to procrastinate my procrastination :P ) and also connecting with other developers.



We are the pharma products.Flask, AngularJS


Demystifying ml through learning by interacting and building a course structure carefully designed to develop intuition of the subject.Vue.js, JavaScript, TensorFlow, PyTorch, p5.js, Python

Sync It!

Sync your songs across platforms hassle-free with amazing accuracy with a detailed report of conversion.Spotify API, React.js, Bootstrap​, Google Client API




  • Wingify - Software Developer Intern
    May 2019 - June 2019
    • Worked with team on Pushcrew Frontend which uses Vue 2.
    • Worked on NodeJS and learnt new technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, etc.
  • Chromium - Google Summer of Code Student
    April 2021 - April 2021

    The idea is to build a sample diagnostics tool for ChromeOS using web technologies. This tool will be a combination of a Progressive Web App and a chrome extension that help users monitor and diagnose their devices. The aim of this app is to provide OEMs an example of how to develop diagnostic apps for ChromeOS. As a result, a new API surface will be usable for other 3rd party apps to use and integrate on ChromeOS. In the later stages, the project aims to use WebAssembly for processing and storing system data captured from the underlying platform.

  • Semut.io - Cloud Native Engineering Intern
    April 2020 - June 2020
    • Worked on building MongoDB as a service (SaaS) using Go, Docker and MongoDB.
    • Wrote REST APIs to interact with the service and handled autoscaling and updates of MongoDB instances.
    • Learnt Golang and Docker in-depth during the internship.

    Tech Stack: Go, Mux, Docker, MongoDB

  • Major League Hacking - MLH Fellowship - Open Source Fellow
    October 2020 - December 2020
    • Part of the second class of MLH Fellows (powered by GitHub and Facebook), 144 students selected out of 20,000.
    • Developed GADM.jl, a package in Julia to query for boundary polygons of geopolitical regions.
    • Contributed to conversion of plotting ecosystem of GeoStats.jl from Plots.jl to Makie.jl
    • Won the best community building project award during the MLH Midway Hackathon for building MLH Township.
  • Nanyang Technological University - R&D Intern, NTU SpeechLab
    January 2021 - Present
    • Develop Magor Studio (Similar to Youtube Studio) allowing professors to upload lectures and use auto transcription APIs.
    • Assess and redesign system architecture of Magor NodeJS app from monolith to 2 micro-services.
    • Integrate Reverse-Proxy and Load Balancing using Nginx.
    • Use Docker and Kubernetes for deploying application on Azure.