Krushi Mitra

Krushi Mitra

Empowering Rural Communities

The problem Krushi Mitra solves

Krushi-Mitra is a transformative platform bridging rural-urban divides by facilitating event connections. Our 'Community Catalyst ' feature empowers users to list beneficial events, fostering collaboration between government, urban, and rural communities.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we ran into:

  1. File Uploads with Multer and Cloudinary:
    Initially, integrating multer and Cloudinary for image uploads posed challenges. We encountered issues with sending files and handling uploads efficiently. The main issues were:
    • Difficulty in configuring multer for file upload handling.
    • Errors in sending files to Cloudinary for storage.
    • Managing file size limitations and ensuring smooth uploads.

How we overcame it:

  • Took some help from docs and AI and got all the bugs resolved
  1. Integration of Vonage:
    Integrating Vonage for communication features presented challenges in our application. Some issues encountered include:
    • Difficulty in setting up and configuring Vonage API endpoint.
    • Issues with integrating Vonage SDKs into the frontend and backend.
  2. Common MERN Stack Project Issues:
    • Dependency management issues, such as version conflicts.

Tracks Applied (6)

Best use of GitHub

Krushi-Mitra exemplifies the "Best Use of GitHub" track by leveraging its collaboration tools, version control, and proj...Read More

GitHub Education

Creative Message on Linkedin, YouTube, and X (Twitter)

Krushi-Mitra stands out in the "Creative Message" track across LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter platforms. Through compell...Read More

Neurelo at Hack This Fall

Best project idea addressing a local (India/Gujarat/etc) problem with creative use of Neurelo

1)Localized Problem-solving: Krushi-Mitra leverages Neurelo's neural network capabilities to address specific challenges...Read More

Neurelo at Hack This Fall

Best overall project idea, prototype, and creative use of Neurelo

Innovative Problem-solving: Krushi-Mitra creatively utilizes Neurelo's capabilities to address rural development challen...Read More

Neurelo at Hack This Fall

Best Use of MongoDB Atlas

Krushi-Mitra excels in the "Best Use of MongoDB Atlas" track by leveraging its scalable storage, high performance, and r...Read More

Major League Hacking

Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

Krushi-Mitra( stands out in the "Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry" track by discovering a standout ...Read More

Major League Hacking
