A Second year undergrad student pursuing Computer Science & Design.
A front-end developer and UI/UX designer. Learning technologies like JavaScript, React.js, TailwindCSS, learning more about UX and exploring the field of 'Web3'.
I actively participate in different hackathons and try to build some cool projects by solving good problems.
May Privacy Be With You.Solidity, IPFS, CSS, Smart Contract, Figma, Web3, React.js, HTML5METAVERSEPG
Transmit Cryptocurrency GloballySolidity, MetaMask, Tailwind CSS, Smart Contracts, React.jsDevJam
Unlock your passion and connect with your tribeSolidity, MetaMask, Figma, WalletConnect, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), React.js, Filecoin, fvm, HuddleArtfolio
Ethereal Creations UnleashedCSS, npm, Figma, Web3, Vercel, reactjs, Blocto, Cadence, Flow CLIMinticia
Minticia: Empowering Creators, Revolutionizing Experiences.IPFS, MetaMask, Next.js, TypeScript, WalletConnect, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Analytics, VercelFanaticks
Elevate Events, Own Experiences.Solidity, React, Node.js, MetaMask, Tailwind CSS, Express, Polygon ZKEVM, Anon AadharKaleido
Reimagine what's possible.Solidity, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Hardhat, Polygon, Wagmi, Infura IPFS, CoreDAOKrushi Mitra
Empowering Rural CommunitiesNode.js, Cloudinary, Express.js, MongoDB, Multer, Tailwind CSS, React.jsSkills