Koshagrah is a cross platform solution for teachers and students to interact with each other in a particular organization .



Koshagrah is a cross platform solution for teachers and students to interact with each other in a particular organization .

The problem KOSHAGRAH solves

Koshagrah allows students/teachers to interact with each other even without knowing each other personally in one organization . It also give privilege for teachers to review any student that could found helpful during placements . Teachers are just one ping away from making announcement among thousand of students , this way Koshagrah makes it smarter and easier . It provides facility of end-to-end encrypted messaging chat facility . We can also build our dynamic resume and can also store certificate.

Challenges we ran into

1 . We were unable to crop uploaded image and send it to backend . Then we searched for the solution on stack overflow . Then finally converted the cropped image to Base64 then sent it to backend then again converted it in image form .

  1. We tackled a problem in web real time communications in the integration part then found a solution after going through many articles related to it .
