
Rajat Shrivastava

I am an engineering graduate pursuing B. Tech ( Computer Science and Engineering) from ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

I am a passionate learner with an innovative mind. I am curious about new technologies and always try to learn them and make something productive. I like to share my knowledge with others. I am currently pursuing my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering and exploring new domains of life.

My dream is to work in software giants like Google and Facebook. I want to enjoy the work culture there and with my ability and talent want to make apps and product to ease life of the people. Coding is a hobby to be and I can do it tiredlessly.



No more tax evasionSolidity, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ethereum, web3.js, Matic Mumbai Test Network, Progressive Web App


Koshagrah is a cross platform solution for teachers and students to interact with each other in a particular organization .jQuery, HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, AJAX, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), JSON, Web real time communication, SQL Lite

GST System

No more tax evasionSolidity, Flutter, Matic, Remix IDE, Ethereum


A vaultjQuery, HTML, CSS, Django, SQL, Progressive Web Apps (PWA)


Ethereum Virtual Machine
iOS Development
Data Structures
Blockchain Architecture