A ReFi platform for sustainable development projects

Created on 18th September 2022



A ReFi platform for sustainable development projects

The problem KNUT solves

In traditional green bonds, keeping track of cash flows where funds are spent is a real challenge. Fortunately, blockchain has the property of transparency, which is a real opportunity to keep track of funds. The mechanism is simple, the project comes and places bonds with a reward and the time of execution (in this version, this point is missed). The user participates in the project and at the end of the time can withdraw their funds and interest. Two smart contracts are responsible for this, one is created for each individual project, the second manages all created projects.

Challenges I ran into

The real challenge is the implementation and presentation of the idea in a limited time, also solo. Luckily this time I decided to avoid encountering javascripts, so my nervous system was not affected. Unfortunately, there is no frontend to smartcontracts, nor is there a deploy script. I learned a lot during the hackathon, got help from many people. So thank you to everyone involved


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