Kleo Network

Kleo Network

Trustless way to create personalized user experiences, while replacing cookie popups.

Created on 25th July 2023

Kleo Network

Kleo Network

Trustless way to create personalized user experiences, while replacing cookie popups.

The problem Kleo Network solves

Kleo Network allows the consensual sharing of social graphs based on the user's browsing history. The user can share this information with an organization and benefit from the personalized experience along with $KLEO rewards without sacrificing privacy. The social graphs are using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure user privacy is not violated.

Token adoption itself is not sufficient to drive user growth. Web3 platforms need intelligent data about their users. $KLEO provides results of social graphs based on browsing history of the user, so that organisations can understand, engage and retain users on platform and compete with their web2 adversaries.


  • Users are just needed to download the extension, we replace cookie popups so no user behavior change takes place.
  • Organisations can be onboarded in less than 5 minutes.
  • Using Decentralised storage, linked with a wallet address to store the user's browsing history in an encrypted format.
  • Organisations can choose how the popup would appear on their website.

Our overarching goal is to democratize data sharing and data control. We want data sovereignty in the hands of the user.

Detailed Pitch - https://app.pitch.com/app/presentation/3d5d98a7-bac7-44c7-b9f1-1a7958c027df/8103180a-6bee-4987-b4ab-e07fe1c74c2d/0fc3217b-f08f-4ef0-b921-0ad8c4687dc1

Memo - https://www.notion.so/kleo-network/Kleo-Memo-18176684130d4f55860bf8d0b05027ec?pvs=4

Challenges I ran into

It was difficult to build a zero knowledge proof around browsing history as the data is huge and computing it was a chore. It took close to 20 days to write the circuit.

We are using Sparse Merkle Trees inside the circuit to ensure exclusion. Once the history is indexed, it goes to the circuit where it compares to original hash, which is captured when the individual visits the side, if that is equal then the proof is shared with the organisation which can be verified on chain.

The browsing history is being stored in IPFS / Arweave, depending on the user and is encrypted with user's private key. The idea is to provide decentralised storage, so the entirety of the data remains always in user's control and not on any third party.

Tracks Applied (3)

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