
Vaibhav Maheshwari

Vaibhav started coding when he was just 14 years and has previously built a game based social networking website which helps students learn and play. His work made him the youngest Nasscom Tech Explorer. He has also won several hackathons.

Along with his startup, he is pursuing integrated MSc in Mathematics from SVNIT. He actively blogs on which has over 30K pageviews. He also enjoys swimming and reading in his free time.


Community Pool

Pool community intrests and share with one who needs it the most!Solidity, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, Ganache, React.js, Truffle Suite

Chesstopia - Blunder Master Coin

The land where ancient game of chess meets the cryptoverse.Solidity, MetaMask, Infura, Remix (IDE), React.js, Hardhat


A Measure of how many 'F's can be given to a community member.React, Node.js, Firebase, Web3, The Graph, Covalent


A realtime leaderboard for DAO members to supercharge your DAO.Solidity, Smart Contracts, reactjs


Request payments anonymouslySolidity, React, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Circom


On-chain discovery protocol based on individual's browsing history with ZK to protect user privacy!Next.js, Smart Contracts, React.js, Chrome Extension, Circom, mina protocol, Zero Knowledge

Kleo Network

Trustless way to create personalized user experiences, while replacing cookie popups.Solidity, IPFS, TypeScript, Chrome Extension, Hardhat, Polygon, Arweave, Circom

Kleo Network

Kleo's mission is to bring consumption data of an individual (browsing history, other web2 platforms) and turn it into a NFT standard.Solidity, React, TypeScript, Hardhat, Lit Protocol, GPT, Large Language Models




  • BlobCity - Intern
    May 2019 - June 2019

    I worked on creating smart contracts on ethereum and exploring blockchain as viable solution.

  • InstaReM - Intern
    May 2017 - July 2017

    Built a chatbot on top of dialogflow with live chat backdrop.