Created on 12th August 2018
A lot of work has been already done in areas that has potential to create impact but many of them go unnoticed because of lack of proper funding.
We solve this problem by introducing "Khoj" a decentralised autonomous platform to allow researchers submit their work along with the desired amount of funding to carry-out there projects.
In current scenerio, Researchers often loose high amount of Equity while getting funds from a VC, but we provide them an option of p2p loans using Dharma protocol that they can use and still own their entire research.
Creditors shall then look at the projects and lend their money for the projects to be carried on efficiently.
It is better than crowdfunding as lenders will also has an option to recover the funds from the collateral amount.
We all were new to React and decided to integrate dharma protocol in a react project which took a great amount of effort.
We also tried intergrating basic login using uPort and Wallect connect but because of some unknown bugs we were stuck in between.
As solidity is an ivolving language we faced some constraints in the returning values via function.
For encyption of algorithm based text files for our project, we use Nucypher in which we were able to understand how the platform is working but as it did not have Web API so we tried to create WebAPI for it and we ran into lot of problems as the system was also very complex to understand in the first place.
The code base was also quite of like ciphered for a new comer to understand.