Jarvis - Decentralized Expense Tracker

Jarvis - Decentralized Expense Tracker

Storing Your Expenses in a Safe and secure way

The problem Jarvis - Decentralized Expense Tracker solves

Current expense tracking applications can store users' data on the backend without the user's knowledge with no idea of how the admin will be using it. The motive of Jarvis is to assist the user in managing and maintaining his/her transactions. A transaction can be either in the form of income or expense. In addition, all data that the user generates is stored on the blockchain in a decentralized manner powered by Ethereum, which prevents the risks of illegal tampering with the data.

Challenges I ran into

I found it challenging while integrating the voice commands into the application. I found a similar application on GitHub so I asked the project's owner for help regarding the resource via LinkedIn. finally after going through the documentation, finally integrated Speechly into the project, through which the user can fill in the data via voice commands.
