
Joy Almeida

Working as a Graduate Analyst at Barclays.

I was selected among the 4 Mentee globally under the AsyncAPI Mentorship program and among the 15 MLH prep fellowship program candidates.

I have experience working at Skinzy(Start-up) and Pepcorns(Start-up) as a full-stack developer intern and GeeksForGeeks as a Technical Writer.

I have secured winning positions in EthIndia 2023, National level Smart India hackathon 2022 & National level IBM Hack-Challenge 2022


City Waste Management

A Web App to help reduce city wasteJavaScript, CSS3, Express.js, MongoDB, HTML5​, Bootstrap​


DevMeet is the home for all developers-a platform where you can share code, contribute to open source projects. Connect with different developers.React, Node.js, JavaScript, Heroku, Postman, GitHub, Express.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap​, HTML5/CSS3


A sustainable decentralised solution for socio-environmental problems of the surroundingsSolidity, IPFS, JavaScript, Flask, Express.js, Ethereum, Blockchain, NFT, React.js, Polygon

Jarvis - Decentralized Expense Tracker

Storing Your Expenses in a Safe and secure waySolidity, TypeScript, Ethereum, nextjs

KhabriChain - Decentralized reporting system

Empowering citizens to tip or report crimes anonymouslySolidity, JavaScript, Python, Webhook, Web3, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, React js, sepolia




  • DERMALENS - Full Stack Dev
    January 2022 - June 2022

    • Implemented image prescription and offline payment feature using MVP architecture in Flutter and Django REST.
    • Revamped website and integrated Deep Learning models using Context API to predict skin diseases and oiliness.
    • Developed APIs for quiz application using Flask and MongoDB.
    • Leveraged my knowledge with Flutter/dart, React, Django REST, Flask, AWS S3

  • Pepcorns - Full Stack Dev
    November 2022 - January 2023

    Developed REST APIs for fetching top categories of user investment and profile recommendations.
    • Updated user portfolio page with graphical and responsive components.
    • Built interactive flashcard component briefing jargon and FAQs related to investments.
    • Manually tested and resolved bugs appearing in the dashboard and landing page.
    • Leveraged my knowledge with AngularJS, NodeJS, MySQL, AWS EC2, AWS RDS

  • AsyncAPI Initiative - Mentee
    August 2023 - Present

    • Wrote Articles for the upcoming release of AsyncAPI v3.

  • Major League Hacking - Prep Fellow
    March 2023 - April 2023

    • Worked in a team of 15 members from around the globe and collaborated on two projects.
    • Implemented designs for the Footer and Pod Members section. PR#27 PR#15
    • Implemented voice assistance with Alan-AI and Responsive Map Navigation.PR#31 PR#15
    • Leveraged my knowledge of CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, ReactJS

  • Barclays - Graduate Analyst
    July 2023 - Present

    Working full-time