Intents - 0xRivendell

Intents - 0xRivendell

Fastest way to convert simple language to blockchain transactions

The problem Intents - 0xRivendell solves

With 0xRivendell's Intents, users can leverage Bridging, Swaps, Yield and NFT Trading with a single command, without jumping off different dapps, connecting wallets, signing multiple transactions.

Consider this:

I want to swap 10 USDC for DAI at the current market price, and earn yield on it.

This process, without intents looks like this.

a) User goes to Uniswap/1inch.

b) User selects values from dropdown.

c) User approves dapp to spend usdc (risk of infinite approval)

d) User approves swap.

e) User goes to aave.

f) User selects values to deposit.

g) User approves dapp to spend dai (risk of infinite approval)

h) User approves deposit

With Intents, the entire 8 step process is just reduced to a single step. With user entering a command, our nlp extractor, then maps it to the relevant functions using ABI and deployed addresses, and computing the function params, with generates the tx calldata.

This calldata is then used to compute the transaction objects, which is sent to the client for signing and relaying to the mempool.

The api is very modular i.e the transaction objects generated by the api can be signed via AA wallets, regular EOA's, multisig SAFE's and MPC's as well.
