Intelliboards - GenAi

Intelliboards - GenAi

"Scan, Swipe, Wow: Billboards Go Digital & Mobile!"

The problem Intelliboards - GenAi solves

This interactive platform bridges the gap between traditional billboard advertising and digital mobile experiences, offering a multifaceted solution to enhance user engagement and interaction. Here's how it addresses various needs and solves problems:
QR Code Scanning: Users scan QR codes on billboards, leading them to our digital platform.

Mini-Games: Users engage in entertaining mini-games related to the advertised product, incentivizing interaction and increasing engagement.

Personalized Incentives: Based on performance in the mini-games, users earn personalized incentives like coupon codes, driving further engagement and fostering brand loyalty.

Chatbot Integration: A sophisticated chatbot provides users with real-time information and answers about the advertised product or company, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Text-to-Image Generation: Dynamic images are generated based on website text, enhancing visual appeal and customization of the advertisement.

Swapping Feature: Users can interact with generated images by swapping elements, adding a playful and creative aspect to the user experience.

Seamless Transition: Users can easily transition from the interactive experience to further engagement with the advertised content through a submit button, directing them to relevant websites or landing pages.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main difficulties we encountered was combining different elements into a coherent platform, such as mini-games, chatbot features, text-to-image conversion, and switching capabilities. Careful planning, testing, and ensuring a smooth connection were necessary for this. We also tackled important concerns including assuring interoperability across various platforms and devices, protecting user privacy and data security, and keeping user engagement with thorough testing, strong security protocols, and ongoing content upgrades.
