
Hrushik Mehta

Hello, I'm Hrushik Mehta, currently pursuing a BTech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. In my previous role as a Back-End Developer & Research Intern at StoreApps, I led a successful team at NASA's SpaceApps challenge, securing the Local People's Choice Award. Notable projects include 'SciNexus,' a platform fostering open-source collaboration, and 'Connect,' an innovative real-time chatting application. I've also delved into research on text-to-image generation, exploring models like LLM, LangChain, GPT-2, and BART. My passion lies in the intersection of technology and collaboration, making me eager to bring my skills to the upcoming hackathon and contribute to innovative solutions.



MediBuddy - Where Prevention meets Progress.Firebase, Flask, Dart, Python, Flutter, Tesseract OCR, pyTesseract, Pdfplumber, cv2, llama index model

Intelliboards - GenAi

"Scan, Swipe, Wow: Billboards Go Digital & Mobile!"PyTorch, OpenCV, Machine Learning, OpenAi, Generative Advarsarial Networks (GANs), Pillow, BeautifulSoup, Image Processing - Open CV, RestAPIs, Streamlit

Empower Your Code, Amplify Your Productivity: Our AI-Powered Developer Assistant Project.Flask, Python, Whisper, MERN stack, 3D Modeling, react fiber


Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning