Insurance NG

The Next Generation of Insurance service experience

The problem Insurance NG solves

Experience insurance services like never possible before with the help of the account aggregator framework insurance NG is able to gather a lot of important information about the user to understand their lifestyle and provide following features:

  • Variable Premiums: We can offer premiums based on the lifestyle of the user, lower premiums for users with low payout risk can assure us to provide lowest possible prices depending on the individual.
  • Tailored Dashboard: We provide information that is very specific to the financial life of the individual interested to purchase our insurances.
  • Find Better Plans: We read the current plans of the user and provide better offers if the users payout factors allow it; we also give them an easy way to make the switch to our plan.
  • Clause Discovery: We show the customers all the clauses applicable to them in a very easy and discoverable manner.
  • See the future: We show the variable premium that the user will have to pay for the next 5 year given that their financial trajectory does not change.
  • Much more: No long forms, full control on your data, complete transparency about data usage, quick and simple user experience etc...

Challenges I ran into

The only challenge I faced was that I needed to understand the AA framework and it's capabilities before starting the development; thankfully the hackathon was announced well in advance and there was enough time to get familiar with the ecosystem and start development.

After starting the development, there were small hurdles for sure, but with REPL, print statements and the tactic of narrowing down the problem until the root is found, I was able to enjoy overcoming the hurdles to develop and design what I wanted to create.
