Many enterprises want to collaborate with influencers and key opinion leaders or KOLs to promote their projects and brands. However, there is no way to measure the impact that these collaborations bring to the enterprise. So these businesses often hesitate to put money in costly partnerships as they do not get back the appropriate impact. On the other hand, the influencers also deserve fair compensation based on the performance of their campaigning and raising awareness about a brand in their community. One way this problem could be overcome is that both parties - the business and the influencer start a deal with a low payment plan and over time as the performance of the influencer brings impact, this payment plan can be upgraded. And such a solution would be best implemented in a trustless fashion so that both parties have control over the partnership.
In the solution that I implemented, I have focussed on how a tweet that an influencer puts describing the brand can be used to decide the impact of the deal. I created a platform where the business can come and create a deal. This would involve them whitelisting the influencer address, specifying a payment amount. This whitelisting is done through a Safe module called the Streaming module. Once this is done, the influencer can then submit a tweet ID which the platform administrator will approve and the influencer can then create a stream from the enterprise Safe to their own pre-approved Safe.
How Safe wallet and Safe modules help here is that the enterprise just has to fund the Safe wallet with Dai and the module will upgrade it to DAIx and allow any whitelisted influencer to start a stream without the enterprise needing to give approval of their DAIx tokens to any third party operator. I think this improves the user experience as well as security of the token ownership. There is an automation bot or a cron job that will keep on triggering the update payment function in this module. This basically uses an Oracle to get the likes and retweets on the registered tweet ID and based on certain conditions, let’s say that the tweet has more than 1000 likes, it will increase the flow rate and the module itself will update the stream flow rate without needing involvement from the enterprise which would not have been possible incase the ownership of the tokens was with an externally owned account. With the concept of streaming tokens to the influencer, he is more motivated to improve his performance from the start of the campaign as the faster his flow rate increases, the more money he earns.
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