
Humap is a web app which aims to digitalize how societies interact within themselves by providing an easy interface to communicate which can result in creating better versions of themselves.

The problem Humap solves

Back in the days, society used to be tighly linked and knew everything about each other, they used to communicate very well with each other and this made societies capable of solving many issues effeciently. Nowadays, despite the increase in the number of issues persisting in society, society has grown apart and due to the ongoing pandemic, it seems as if even neighbours are in a long-distance relationship.

Challenges we ran into

  • Finding a map api which was free and which worked well with React was quite a tough task
  • Git Workflow and hoisting
  • There's pain after breakup and then there is debugging NodeJS
  • Mapbox isn't the best expecially it's react implementation
  • Implementing commenting on posts on a single page app was a great challenge, but using React with some DOM manipulation came to the rescue.
