As the username suggests, I am a geek who finds fun in tinkering with stuff. no please don't hate me i am not that boring.
I love flashing different ROMS on my Android. sorry i am boring, actually. I am learning web development, both front-end and back-end and Javascript is my girlfriend currently.
I like the UX part and backend very much, as of now but I am trying to explore different fields of software to find what's my favourite. Check out my Github repo's to see my projects.
Humap is a web app which aims to digitalize how societies interact within themselves by providing an easy interface to communicate which can result in creating better versions of themselves.Bootstrap, React, Mapbox, Express.js, MongoDB, mongoose, NodejsBreaking Bad
Earn Crypto by Reporting Drug TraffickingSolidity, React, Flask, TensorFlow, Express.js, Web3, Ethereum, MongoDB Atlas, Tailwind CSS, HardhatDecentralID
Identity theft is not a joke, JIM!Solidity, IPFS, React, Node.js, MetaMask, GitHub, MongoDB, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, PolygonSkills