May Privacy Be With You.

Created on 8th January 2023



May Privacy Be With You.

The problem HELIOS solves

  1. Censorship resistance: Because data is stored on multiple nodes in a distributed network, it is difficult for any single entity to censor or block access to the data.

  2. Improved security: Decentralized storage systems often use advanced encryption techniques to protect data, which can make it more secure than traditional centralized storage systems.

  3. Increased availability: Because data is stored on multiple nodes, decentralized storage systems can be more reliable and have better uptime than centralized systems that rely on a single point of failure.

  4. Cost savings: Decentralized storage systems can be more cost-effective than traditional centralized storage solutions because they do not require expensive hardware and infrastructure.

  5. Data ownership: In a decentralized storage system, users retain ownership and control over their data, rather than relying on a third party to store and manage it. DApps use IPFS for storing data in a decentralized manner.

Challenges we ran into

  1. We weren’t able to host the file to IPFS using web3 API, but we tried our best to overcome that and gave our best.
  2. We faced various challenges as we are a remote team but overcame them through teamwork and strategies.
  3. Also, we weren’t able to complete the code for the frontend and API didn’t work for the prototype. But, in the final round we built the whole project to make HELIOS the best.


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