
Find, Learn, Save Meanings of Words at a Click.


Created on 20th October 2020



Find, Learn, Save Meanings of Words at a Click.

The problem VocabBuilder solves

This Website Aims to Solve the problem of having to search and save meaning individually, by:

  1. Providing and Interface to search meanings.
  2. Providing a means to save word meanings.
  3. Ability to share words.
  4. Groups where you can join with people you learn to share the words you've collected.
  5. Creation of Posts with Liking and Commenting Capabilities.
  6. Practice on the questions you've saved.
  7. Get analysis of you practise sessions.

Challenges I ran into

Some of the problems I encountered:

  1. Finding a solution to find the meaning of words.
  2. Finding interactive ways to help people learn words.
  3. Finding creative solutions of helping people share their words.

Technologies used


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