I am a Third Year Student at Thadomal Shahani Engineering College (Computer Engineering). I am familiar
with Django, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, React, React Native, SQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. I am currently diving deep into Blockchain Technology.
I won the Lincode Labs Hackathon in NLP as a runner up and Code with Globalshala Hackathon on HackerEarth as a winner. I also made it to the Pre-Final round of EY Hackpions.
CodeEd (Coding for Education)
A Management System to manage all the needs of Remote Learning, so that Students and Teachers can focus on what's more important.Bootstrap, Django, HTML5, SQLite, CSS3, Google Cloud Vision APITribal
A simple eCommerce app that helps tribals to sell their artifacts online resulting in empowerment.HTML, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDBPharmacy Management System
A console app in Java was developed to effectively handle the sales, stock and customer accounts for a pharmacy using core Java.JavaBlind Friendly Voice Navigated App
The app is designed to help blind or deisable users to use the entire app with jut their voice.Tkinter, Python, Speech Recognition, Google Text to SpeechVocabBuilder
Find, Learn, Save Meanings of Words at a Click.HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScriptProductFinder
Find and Share Products on the go using Reverse Object Detection and WebscrapingHTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Django, JavaScript, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCVSkills
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Science