GreatKart an ecommerce website

GreatKart an ecommerce website

Django, Modern features, Clean design, advanced features with notified hacking attempts, Real time payment using Paypal, Emailing, Chatbot for quick and productivity

GreatKart an ecommerce website

GreatKart an ecommerce website

Django, Modern features, Clean design, advanced features with notified hacking attempts, Real time payment using Paypal, Emailing, Chatbot for quick and productivity

The problem GreatKart an ecommerce website solves

Any ecoomerce website solves a problem of ordering any product from anywhere, without vising the store. My project focuses on modern technologies and registering, features, filters, real time reviews, secure login, sessionsid from browser, token, hacking attempts if any will get notofied, clean design with simple ui and it is completly dynamic with no hard coded.

Challenges I ran into

Challenge I ran onto was the Cart session, I had to work with browser session id and transfer all products to that user if he is logged in. Also the product variation is very important part. Same product with different variation like color adn size cannot be treated same. So here I had to create new cart item. And ofcourse the registration session, we need to provide real email otherwise your wont be able to order anything. Here is a quick demo:

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Website The Demo of my project:
