Grab A Bite!

Grab A Bite!

When hunger calls, grab a bite with us!

Created on 29th January 2023

Grab A Bite!

Grab A Bite!

When hunger calls, grab a bite with us!

The problem Grab A Bite! solves

Our bot- Grab A Bite is made to help people in their order management system and our aim is to generate a bot which could be incorporated within the official website of any professional website to help them manage their orders more efficiently.

We think that we were able to achieve a lot of our expectations from the bot but there are definitely few things which we'd like to work upon and improve in the future and we are constantly working on it.

The goal of this project is to build an order booking bot that allows customers to place orders for products or services.

The bot was created using javascript and is hosted on telegram. We are yet to deploy the bot but the API token and the link to the bot is provided in the description so that our code on github can be used to run and test the bot as well.

Our bot has three commands:

start - views the page to order the available products on the menu from the react app which we created and deployed. the app also has the payment features which was integrated in the app using the Google Pay API and is secure for online card payments.

help - this command opens up the official website of the restaurant and a lot of things such as the menu, services of the restaurat could be explored.

command - this command opens up another web page wherein we have another bot which we created with the help of dialogflow and is used to book your tables in the restaurant in advance for a particular date and time.

Our vision was to create a bot which is visually appealing with an easy to use interface and easier commands that could be executed without any problems by even the most novice users.

Challenges we ran into

Our bot is able to integrate the payment features as well which we are the most proud of as we faced a lot of difficulty integrating the payment getway using javascript. Also, the entire workspace was completely new to us and the integration of another chatbot within one chatbot didn't come across as easy.
Adding to that, the resources were really scattered and scarce which further added to our difficulties.


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