Gift a Matic

Blockchain-based donation platform that incentivizes people for their donations.

The problem Gift a Matic solves

People ❤️ Donations

People love to donate, it gives them a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude. In the last month, more than 23 Million dollars were donated in India to support people suffering from the Assam floods, Martyrs, migrants, and the poor who needs help to get back to their normal living.

Donating web2 vs Gift a Matic ✨

People have been donating anonymously to the web2 infrastructure and they love doing that. But at the same time, there's a lot of friction, and being unscalable discourages them to do.


With GiftaMatic anonymous donations are made easy, scalable, and secure. It provides peer-to-peer transfer without any intermediaries or fees.

Donate without giving away your money 💰

Gift a Matic with Web3 is leveraging the potential to enable people to donate to campaigns without losing their tokens. People can share a custom percentage of their passive income generated through staking. For example, one can stake 1000 MATIC on the platform for a period of their choice and donate a percentage of the accumulated interest on the tokens.

Hence, they never lose the money they staked and can withdraw whenever they want 🤝

This can't be imagined in a web2 infrastructure.

How do donations work with Gift a Matic?

Gift a Matic incentivizes people for their donations using GFT tokens, these GFT tokens are non-transferable and can only be earned by donating on the platform. Hence, they act as a social status for donations. These GFT tokens enable people for NFT airdrops, gifts, merchandise, and more.

People can donate to the campaign they feel most attached to with not just ERC20 tokens like Matic or USDT but they can also donate their owned assets like NFTs, a land in the metaverse, game assets, Defi interest rate, and much more.



Challenges I ran into

While working on the project, I faced hurdles like connecting my smart contract with other ERC-721 tokens with the Gift Smart contract. Since I wanted most part to be on the smart contract itself. I researched this issue and checked if other people were also facing it. I got to connect with good folks in the hacker house and asked a few queries with them regarding this.

But eventually, I figured out the optimal way to do it and finished the project.

I was also working alone on my idea, so it's very important to stay motivated during the hackathon duration and continue building till the end. I was lucky enough to make good friends who were working with me the whole night.

I have been working on this project before the hackathon as well and would love to work even after the hackathon and make this a startup. The idea has the potential to solve one of the biggest and most needed problems in space.

I had the designs for the frontend (template) already and the basic underlying smart contract. I worked on adding the NFT donation feature to the project that involved ERC-721 interactions in the smart contract, approving and auctions on-chain. And improved the user interface fixed some bugs and added components needed for the NFT donation feature.
