A gaming protocol that offers a no-code infrastructure to any game, allowing developers to make their game NFT compatible and provide players the opportunity to make money from it.

The problem FLYOVER solves

There are two significant problems in the current gaming eco-system:

  • From Game producers: Allocating huge chunks of resources. to make their game NFT-ready.
  • For gamers: Gaming is a competitive skill, yet making money is still a pain. Gamers are dependent of competitions and streamings for monetizing their gaming skill.

Challenges we ran into

Some of the major challenges we faced throughout the hackathon:

  • Validating the idea
    -- Talking to various gamers to understand their set of problems.
    -- Contacting game devs to understand their expense ratio in making their game NFT ready.

  • Our team majorly consisted of backend devs, so curating a reliable frontend for POC was big bottleneck.

  • Integrating various existing technologies and protocols to empower our platform, by reading and understanding them for first time.
